Our Family And Tajweed

Would you like to teach your little ones tajweed but are not sure where to start? Maybe you don’t know all the rules or you feel overwhelmed thinking about teaching your family? I often get asked lots of question about where should I begin and how should I teach my little ones. And the best way to find out where to begin is to learn from those that are already on the journey. Here to help you understand and answer some of your questions is Ayan (@teachermomplus3), who is currently doing a phenomenal job teaching her three boys.

1. Tell us a little bit about your tajweed story & how you learnt tajweed.
I studied tajweed on and off with teachers and on my own. Unfortunately I was never consistent so the names of the rules were a little foggy. I started to review and get series when my older two boys started memorizing and I need to correct their recitation. My tajweed is no where near perfect and I am constantly being corrected and learning along side my children.

2. At what age did you introduce tajweed to your boys?
My two older ones are 12 and 10 as soon as they were able to read fluently I introduced the rules to them slowly. But this year we started studying the rules of tajweed more formally.

3. How did you know they were ready to learn tajweed?
They started asking me more questions as I corrected their recitation. What was that rule called or why do we have to say it like that. I forced me to review and pick out an actual resources to guide them along.

4. How do you motivate your boys to learn tajweed?
Learning along side them is definitely a big motivation for them and me. Keeping it fun and hands on is another way to keep the rules fresh and keep us motivated.

5. How do you make learning tajweed fun and engaging?
We turn everything into a game at our house. My boys are super competitive. Once we learn a rule I set up challenges for them. Find me 5 examples of the rule we learned in the Mushaf and I'll find 5 let's see who finds it first. They always find way more than me 🤣🤣🙈.

6. What difficulties have you faced when teaching tajweed?
Being consistent. Review is very important when it comes to tajweed. Working in that daily review and keeping those rules fresh on our minds is a little bit of challenge.

7. What resources have you used to teach tajweed?
Al Qasas Learning tajweed workbook has been a favorite of ours. We also use Tajweed untangled by learning roots.

8. If someone doesn't know tajweed themselves but would like their children to learn, what recommendations would you have for them?
Start learning yourself. There are so many videos and resources out there. Sit together and learn as a family.

9. What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who is thinking of teaching their children tajweed?
Go slowly and make it fun. If you try to teach too many rules it might overwhelm you and the children.

Share your tajweed journey with us or if you have any more questions do drop a comment below. I would love to help in anyway I can.